Kira Doar

Director of Community Impact and Organizational Culture


Direct line: 202.266.4857 | Email

As of June 17, 2024, Kira is out of the office on parental leave and will not be checking email. With questions, contact our main line at 202.408.3100 and your call will be directed to the appropriate staff member.

After growing up in the District’s suburbs, I discovered Sixth & I when I graduated from Tufts University and moved back to DC to begin work in the non-profit sphere. I was excited to find my place in downtown DC’s vibrant Jewish community and discover a unique place like Sixth & I that means so much to so many in the city and beyond. After a few years working as part of the Jewish life programming team, I’m now thrilled to work across the organization as it strives to foster a more equitable workplace and grow its impact throughout DC.

A cardio enthusiast, outside of the office you can usually find me briskly strolling the streets of DC with my earbuds in listening to podcasts on my favorite topics: foreign policy, feminism, or Bravo reality shows. I am also a coffee addict always looking for an excuse to grab a fresh brew and hear about people’s connections to Sixth & I, so please feel free to reach out!