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Sixth & I (In-Person and Virtual)

Arabs and Jews Choosing a Shared Future 

Nov 13, 2023 • 7:00 pm ET
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This event will now be livestreamed. RSVP required for virtual access. 

During this critical moment of tension and strife, hear from Israelis who are building a Jewish-Arab solidarity movement for peace, equality, and justice. Sally Abed and Alon-Lee Green, leaders of the grassroots movement Standing Together (Omdim Beyachad-Naqif Ma’an), will discuss how their community of Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel are working together for change in the shared interest of peace and security. The conversation, in partnership with the New Israel Fund, will be moderated by Senior Rabbi Aaron Potek, Executive Director of Jewish Life at Sixth & I.

Sally Abed is a staff member and an elected national leader at Standing Together. A prominent Palestinian voice in Israel, she is also a co-host of the podcast “Groundwork” about Palestinians and Jews refusing to accept the status quo and working together for change. 

Alon-Lee Green is the National Director and a founder of Standing Together. He got his start organizing Israel’s first trade union of waiters in a chain of coffee shops and went on to found Israel’s first National Waiters Union. Green was a leader in Israel’s social protest movement in the summer of 2011 and subsequently served as a political adviser in the Knesset, Israel’s parliament.