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Ayelet Waldman

May 12, 2010 • 7:00 pm ET
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CREDIT: Stephanie Rausser

Let’s face it, when it comes to motherhood – if you work, you’re neglectful; if you stay home, you’re smothering; if you discipline, you’re buying them a spot on the shrink’s couch; if you buy organic, you’re spending their college fund.

Is it any wonder so many women refer to themselves at one time or another as a “bad mother”? Ayelet Waldman says it’s time for women to get over it and get on with it. Bad Mother: A Chronicle of Maternal Crimes, Minor Calamities and Occasional Moments of Grace, the New York Times bestseller now out in paperback, illuminates the anxieties that riddle motherhood while providing women with the encouragement they need to give themselves a break.

Waldman is also the author of Love and Other Impossible Pursuits, Daughter’s Keeper and the Mommy-Track Mysteries, and her now legendary New York TimesModern Love” piece in which she confessed to loving her husband (Michael Chabon) more than her children.