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Sixth & I

Drawing On Tradition: The Book of Esther

Original drawings from Megillat Esther by JT Waldman

Feb 28, 2011 • 1:00 pm ET
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Exhibit on view: February 28 – April 29, 2011

JT Waldman turns The Book of Esther, with its twisting plot, into an illustrative masterpiece. Waldman, 34, realized his aesthetic vision of the book as a graphic novel after spending seven years teasing out its layers of meaning. The result is a vibrant and beautiful work of art with many lessons for our time. The graphic novel is brought to life in an exhibit with interactive elements and an invitation for visitors to take part in the creative process.

Waldman is a comic book illustrator and interaction designer. A graduate of the University of Michigan, he also studied at the Liberal Yeshiva in Jerusalem, the University of Seville in Spain, and the Vancouver Film School. Waldman offers workshops on Jewish art, comix, and midrash. He also contributed to two books that detail the intersection of comic books and Judaism, From Krakow to Krypton and The Jewish Graphic Novel. He is currently working on his next graphic novel with the late Harvey Pekar.

Waldman will be speaking at 6th in the City Shabbat on March 11. For information about attending this service, click here.

A travelling exhibit from The Jewish Museum of Maryland in Baltimore.