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An Evening with Ta-Nehisi Coates

In Conversation with Iris Deroeux

Sep 27, 2016 • 7:00 pm ET
  • This event has passed.

As part of The Atlantic‘s eighth-annual Washington Ideas Week, Ta-Nehisi Coates reflects on American culture, race and politics as well as his experience living in Paris this past year and the view of America from there.

Coates is a national correspondent at The Atlantic, where he writes about culture, politics and social issues. He is the author of two books, The Beautiful Struggle and Between the World and Me. In addition to earning a MacArthur Fellowship in 2015, Coates has received the National Magazine Award and the George Polk Award. Coates recently returned to the U.S. after spending a year in Paris with his wife and son.

In conversation with Iris Deroeux, a French journalist based in New York. She is a U.S. Correspondent for Mediapart.fr. Committed to the comparative perspective between France and the U.S., Iris produces a series of shows for Mediapart entitled “Racism/Antiracism: the match between France and the United States.”

Continue the Conversation 
Looking for a way to process what’s discussed during the talk? Wonder what the person next to you believes? Immediately following the event, Rabbi Suzy will facilitate a short, informal group conversation for anyone who wants to talk about the event in a more intimate setting. Free for all event ticket holders to attend.


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