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Sixth & I

Hebrew Literacy II: Building Fluency in Hebrew Reading

Jul 5, 2012 • 8:30 pm ET
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9-part series on Thursdays, July 5-Aug 30

Does it seem like everything you learned in those Sunday mornings and afternoon sessions at Hebrew school fell by the wayside after your Bar or Bat Mitzvah? This class will focus on building skills to decode words more easily and on developing your ability to read fluently with more speed and accuracy.

The course features participatory games and activities designed to enhance your learning experience, while a small class size ensures more individualized attention.

For the benefit of all participants, attendance is expected at all nine classes.An hour per week of home practice is highly recommended.

Keren Yairi is a certified language instructor who teaches Hebrew and English as a Second Language and tutors reading/ language arts in the DC public schools. She is also an international development consultant for literacy projects in Africa.