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Sixth & I (Virtual)

Leaving the Narrow Place

Apr 13, 2020 • 12:00 pm ET
  • This event has passed.

In an effort to keep group sizes small, these hour-long support groups will broken into two sessions on Monday, April 13 at Noon EST and one session on Tuesday, April 14 at 6:00 pm EST. Please RSVP for only one of the three sessions. Attendees will be emailed a Zoom link one hour before the session begins.

Mitzrayim, or the Hebrew word for Egypt, comes from the same word as meitzar—that which confines us or causes us stress. During the week of Passover, Rabbis Aaron, Jesse, and Shira hold space to reflect on and share the anxieties and stresses that this moment is producing. You’ll be provided with prompts for reflection and opportunities to share with others in Zoom breakout groups about what this moment has brought up for you. We hope this space will help bring some comfort in these difficult times.

Monday, April 13 at Noon – Isolation and loneliness with Rabbi Aaron. RSVP here.

Monday, April 13 at Noon – Physical health for ourselves and our loved ones with Rabbi Jesse. RSVP here.

Tuesday, April 14 at 6:00 pm– Financial insecurity with Rabbi Shira. RSVP here.