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Oy! Only Six? Why Not More?

A Six-Word Story Show on Jewish Life from SMITH Magazine

Apr 3, 2012 • 7:00 pm ET
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SMITH Magazine and Reboot celebrate the release of Oy! Only Six? Why Not More?— Six-Word Memoirs on Jewish Life with a live show where storytellers have six minutes to reveal the backstory behind their six-word memoir. The audience is invited to share a Six-Word Memoir during a “Six-Word Slam.” Storytellers include:

Rachel Sklar is a founding editor of Mediaite.com, former media editor of the Huffington Post, and founder of the advocacy sites Change the Ratio and Charitini.com. Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, Newsweek, The Daily Beast, and Glamour.
Patty Reese, who will accompany Sklar, is winner of 11 WAMMIES including Album of the Year, Artist of the Year and Roots Rock Vocalist! With the voice and musicianship on Reese’s latest release, “Strong Medicine.”

Carolyn Hax started her advice column in 1997 as a weekly feature for The Washington Post, accompanied by the work of “relationship cartoonist” Nick Galifianakis. The column has since gone daily and into syndication in over 200 newspapers. Carolyn joined The Post in 1992 as a copy editor in Style, and became a news editor before turning to writing full-time. She is the author of Tell Me About It, and the host of a live online discussion on Fridays at noon on washingtonpost.com.

Adam Ruben is a writer, comedian, storyteller, and molecular biologist. He is the author of Surviving Your Stupid, Stupid Decision to Go to Grad School, and has been on the Food Network’s Food Detectives, the Science Channel’s Head Rush, and NPR’s “All Things Considered.”

Lynn Harris is a communications strategist for the global human rights organization Breakthrough, co-creator of the multimedia phenom, Breakup Girl, and the author of Death By Chick Lit and Miss Media. She is an award-winning journalist, essayist, and media commentator.

Russ Roberts is the author of The Price of Everything, The Invisible Heart, and The Choice. He is a professor of economics, host of the award-winning podcast, EconTalk, and has produced two rap videos.

Annie Groer is a former Washington Post and PoliticsDaily.com writer whose work has appeared in More, Town & Country and The New York Times. A two time National Chicken Cooking contest contender who once danced across the Kennedy Center stage with Liberace, she is at work on a memoir.

Jane Shore is a professor at The George Washington University whose poems appeared in The New Yorker and The Yale Review. Her books have garnered the 1977 Juniper Prize, the 1986 Lamont Prize, a 1996 National Book Critic Circle Award nomination, and the 2010 Poets Prize. Her latest, That Said: New and Selected Poems, has just been published.