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Zbigniew Brzezinski

with Mika Brzezinski

Jan 29, 2012 • 3:00 pm ET
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In his latest book, Strategic Vision: America and the Crisis of Global Power, the former National Security Advisor looks back to the optimism following the fall of the Communist bloc and outlines a strategy by which the United States can reassert that position of strength. His analysis focuses on the changing distribution of global power and America’s place in that new arrangement, especially in relation to China

Zbigniew Brzezinski, formerly President Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor, is a counselor and trustee at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and a professor of American foreign policy at the SAIS at Johns Hopkins University.

For this program, he will be in conversation with his daughter Mika Brzezinski, co-host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”