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600 Massachusetts Ave, NW

Hit Refresh: Preparing for the High Holidays

Location: 600 Massachusetts Ave, NW

Sep 4, 2019 • 7:00 pm ET
  • This event has passed.

This course meets on Wednesdays, September 4 and 11 at 7:00 pm.

The days leading up to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are some of the most sacred of the year, but the prospect of atoning for past missteps and committing to doing better in the year ahead can also be intimidating.

In this two-session class led by Rabbi Jesse, explore how to cultivate deeper meaning, emotional connection, and spiritual focus leading up to the High Holidays and into the Jewish New Year. Through learning, personal reflection, and conversation, gain practical tools to reset for a more open-minded and open-hearted start to 5780.

Location: 600 Massachusetts Ave, NW

No one will be turned away from any of our classes due to lack of funds. For more information, please contact our Religious Programming Associate, Leila.