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Events for March, 2020

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Basically Jewish

Basically Jewish

Rabbi Aaron leads an experiential introduction to Judaism course designed for those looking to reconnect with Judaism, as well as non-Jews looking to discover.


VIRTUAL: Livi...

VIRTUAL: Living in Scary Times

How do we respond to the anxiety and fear that this pandemic may have stirred up within each of us?  What spiritual tools and perspectives can our tradition offer us in a moment like this? In this hour-long Zoom class, be in virtual community as Rabbi Aaron explores some relevant and thought-provoking Jewish texts.


VIRTUAL: Soci...

VIRTUAL: Social Distancing & Becoming Strangers

What does welcoming the stranger actually mean in today’s complicated climate? Explore with Rabbi Jesse what Jewish values and texts say about our obligation to stand up for the rights of strangers, outsiders, asylum seekers, and immigrants.


VIRTUAL: Lili...

VIRTUAL: Lilith: Virgin or Seductress?

Rabbi Shira leads a text study and discussion on Lilith, the enigmatic character who is too often shunted to the shadows of Jewish history.


Morning Mindf...

Morning Mindfulness & Gratitude

Rabbi Jesse leads a guided meditation, short morning blessings of gratitude, and some spiritual reflections from Jewish tradition to help set the tone for the rest of your day.


Shabbat: Good...

Shabbat: Good Soul

Traditional and contemplative, this egalitarian service led by Rabbi Jesse offers a deep sense of focus and intention, aided by stirring music from Aaron Shneyer.




Rabbi Aaron leads virtual havdalah, a weekly ritual that helps us transition out of Shabbat. Sing, connect, and share a few reflections as we begin a new week together.


Morning Inten...

Morning Intention-Setting and Prayers

Start the work day with meaning as we come together to (virtually) connect and reflect. Rabbi Shira and Aaron Shneyer lead a few of the traditional morning prayers and share kavvanot (intentions).

What it Takes...

What it Takes: How to Lead a Virtual Seder

Whether this is your first time hosting or if you need a refresher, Rabbi Jesse explores ways to spice up your seder, liberate your mind, and keep guests engaged.


Morning Mindf...

Morning Mindfulness & Gratitude

Rabbi Jesse leads a guided meditation, short morning blessings of gratitude, and some spiritual reflections from Jewish tradition to help set the tone for the rest of your day.

How to Be Kind

How to Be Kind

Rabbi Shira leads this wide-ranging conversation on what Judaism says about how, when, and why to be kind.


Redemption in...

Redemption in Dark Times

Rabbi Aaron and Rabbi Avram Mlotek of Base Manhattan bridge geographical and ideological divides for a lively debate and exploration of Jewish texts on the power of redemption.


Start with Jo...

Start with Joy: Morning Prayers

In honor of Rosh Chodesh Nissan, the first day of the first month of the Jewish calendar, Rabbi Aaron leads a song-filled Hallel.


POSTPONED: At A Loss: A Grief Writing Workshop

Through journaling and discussion, explore how to put sadness into words and use writing as a means for processing grief in a workshop led by essayist Karen Paul.


Shabbat: Hit ...

Shabbat: Hit Reset

Blending contemporary and traditional elements, this inclusive service led by Rabbi Aaron and musician Aaron Shneyer is designed to foster community in a thoughtful, accessible, and radically welcoming setting. Open to all.




Rabbi Jesse leads virtual havdallah, a weekly ritual that helps us transition out of Shabbat. Sing, connect, and share a few reflections as we begin a new week together.


Morning Inten...

Morning Intention-Setting and Prayers

Start the work day with meaning as we come together to (virtually) connect and reflect. Rabbi Shira and Aaron Shneyer lead a few of the traditional morning prayers and share kavvanot (intentions).

What it Takes...

What it Takes: How to Lead a Virtual Seder

Whether this is your first time hosting or if you need a refresher, Rabbi Jesse explores ways to spice up your seder, liberate your mind, and keep guests engaged.


Morning Mindf...

Morning Mindfulness & Gratitude

Rabbi Jesse leads a guided meditation, short morning blessings of gratitude, and some spiritual reflections from Jewish tradition to help set the tone for the rest of your day.


Deep Dive: Th...

Deep Dive: The Four Children

The Passover Haggadah describes four children: the wise one, the wicked one, the simple one, and the one who doesn’t know how to ask. Rabbi Aaron leads an analysis of this confusing and challenging text, coupled with a conversation about its relevance for Jews today.


Morning Inten...

Morning Intention-Setting and Prayers

Rabbi Aaron leads a few of the traditional morning prayers, shares a couple of kavvanot (intentions) and facilitates a short journaling exercise.

Jewish Flavor...

Jewish Flavor: Passover Prep

Whether you’re cooking a delicious meal to enjoy during your virtual Passover seder or looking for some variety after too much matzah, learn to cook kosher-for-Passover recipes that won’t fall flat during this class led by in-house chef Vered Guttman.

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